Setting Up a Healthy and Comfortable Home Office

There are a lot of advantages to working from home, not the least of which is a 30-second commute. And while many people think working from home means you can work on the couch, in the backyard, or even from your bed, in the end, you may find that you’re most productive at home when you work at a “proper” workstation.

Here are some tips that will help you create a space that contributes to your work-from-home success.

Find the Best Location For some people, choosing a spot for their home office is easy. They’ve got an empty room that they use as dedicated office space. It can be an actual “office,” but many people use an empty bedroom or even the basement. Check out unused corners in larger rooms, large (but empty) closets, or even under the stairs! 

Prioritize Comfort It can be tempting to just grab a chair from the dining area when you’re working from home. But sitting at a desk for long hours without proper support for your back is a fast track to posture problems. Ergonomic office chairs offer the correct support when you’re sitting for long hours. Just like the rest of your home office furniture, investing in a supportive chair is an investment in yourself.

Support Your Neck and Eyes Don’t forget to help out your neck and eyes, too. Make sure you’ve got your monitor in the “perfect” spot. That spot is different for every person, so you’ll have to experiment with placement. Follow some of these tips to help you get it right:
·    The top of the screen should be at or slightly below eye level.
·    Place the monitor at least 20 inches from your eyes, farther away if you’ve got a large monitor.
·    Your eyes should look slightly down when looking at the middle of the screen to help keep your neck in proper alignment. Tilt the monitor back 10 to 20 degrees to ensure you’re looking down on the screen at an angle.

Light It Up Lighting is often overlooked when setting up a home office. Most work is done on computers, and since monitors (and even keyboards) light up, what’s the big deal?

Plenty. While poor lighting in your office won’t cause blindness, it will cause you to strain your eyes. Over time, that eye strain can cause headaches, making you a less productive employee.

Set up your home office where you get as much natural light as possible. It can help you feel good and may even boost your productivity. If nothing else, using natural light to light up your office is better for the environment.